Category: Message Of Week
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Leading a spiritual life means that spiritual consciousness or awakening is evident in all our relationships and behaviour. Whatever we speak, think, or do is guided by Vivek or Consciousness. Such a person realises the presence of GOD in all his actions at all places and all times. In materialistic lifestyle sometimes the person is so overwhelmed by his desires that he appears to be chasing a mirage. Illusions outnumber Achievements. Satisfaction is elusive.

Realised masters could come to our rescue with their spiritual perspective enabling us to find solutions. With their guidance we learn to blend material aspects of life with the spiritual, helping us to overcome stress. We experience joy that arises from inner calmness, & peace,

The first requirement is to realise the existence of God and that all our possessions actually belong to Him and not to us (the body). A realised person doesn’t brood over losses. Hence he does not continuously ponder on the past, and neither does he take the failures to his heart. He acts and leaves the outcome to God, accepting the results with calmness and humility. This is NOT fatalism, for he does not resort to passivity or inaction. Only he has full faith in God and so accepts the outcome with calm mind.

With spiritual awakening one sees one sees Ultimate Reality in as the integrating and connecting thread of the universe. This generates the sense of Unity and Oneness. We then enter the domain of brotherhood and one belongs to all and all belong to him. There is universal love, love for all. He respects all and is cautious in his dealings to avoid anyway of offending others. Relations that were so far formal, and with self-interest are now replaced with mutual respect, service and kinship. All become sacred members of one global family. Then there cannot be any hatred, ill-will, enmity or alienation